Georges Touati
Across a span of over twenty five years, Georges Touati has been Director
of some of the most famous schools for cinema and television in France.
-1988 : IDHECOM - Institut des Hautes Études de la Communication ...
(Institute of the High Studies in Communication)
-1989 : ISEC - Institut Supérieur d’Etude cinématographiques
(Institute of preparation for the High schools of Cinema)
-1990 : ESRA - École Supérieure de Réalisation Audiovisuelle
(High school for audiovisual directing)
-1997-2012 : EICAR - École Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle et de
Réalisation. (International School for Media and Audiovisual Creation)
He is a member of the FICAM - Fédération des industries du cinéma, de l'audiovisuel et du multimédia
- (the biggest federation of cinematographic industries and television), and of the Pôle Nord Est Parisien,
organization including all the media and audiovisual companies, the research centres and the schools of cinema,
television and multimedia.
He was jury with Luc Besson of the " OMJA " Awards