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L'Euro-India Group (EIEBG) est un réseau informel qui offre une plate-forme unique pour les contacts et les échanges entre les promoteurs de projets entre l'Inde et l'Europe, et en particulier ceux de jeunes leaders. Le forum réunit plusieurs milliers de personnes qualifiées que ce soit en Europe ou en Inde qui veulent appuyer toutes les initiatives novatrices et promouvoir tous les projets entre l'Inde et l'Europe.

DHOAD, Gipsies of Rajasthan

DHOAD, Gipsies from Rajasthan

Poets, troubadours, musicians, dancers and fakir (fire eater) of the country of Maharajas.
Having performed more than 1000 Concerts in 70 Countries in the last 10 years, the Dhoad Gypsies are the undisputed cultural ambassadors of Rajasthan.
At the heart of Dhoad Gypsies are four brothers from a rich and celebrated musical legacy reaching back through seven generations from the esteemed musical tribal caste of Rajasthan.


Le bateau de Safran

A collection of high-quality furniture, fabrics and objets d'art from India.
Relics of bygone cultures and craftmenship lovingly gathered and curated by Sophie Lescot over the past 35 years. A treasure trove, known exclusively by movie set directors, advertising designers, event planners and a few privileged clients.
To help them to welcome you, please call or mail

India Books

The Association The Counters of India presents every year in november "India books" under the High Patronage of the Embassy of India in the City Hall of the 20th district.

Cocktail & Culture

The Cocktail et Culture association is a non-profit organization (law 1901) which promotes culture by establishing a dialogue between a personality of the literary, artistic or political world and a "curious, courteous and cultivated" public.

Literary salons
The association organizes every year four Literary salons in partnership with the bookshop Fontaine and placed under the patronage of the mayors of different districts of Paris. .